Welcome to Side by Side

Welcome to Side by Side, a special needs ministry of the MontgomeryEvangelical Free Church in Belle Mead, NJ.

This blog will share our experiences in ministering to people with special needs and their families in our church and in our community. We will also draw from the experiences of others. We’ll talk about resources we’ve found to be helpful and friends we’ve met along the way. We seek to encourage those with special needs and their families. We know we will be encouraged by them.

Our logo illustrates our philosophy. Note that both trees thrive from their interaction together. Similarly, Side by Side believes that everyone is made by God in His image, is uniquely gifted by Him and has much to share.

So, come along side. Side by Side, we’ll grow together.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Showing God's Kindness - A "Twilight Zone" Moment

We have been looking at the story of David and Mephibosheth (2 Samuel 9: 1-13) to see how the church can show God’s kindness to people with special needs and their families.  The first kindness was the gift of life itself.  The second kindness was the kindness of hospitality.  David provided Mephibosheth with a place of welcome and safety. 

All of us feel welcome when our hosts attend to our creature comforts and our physical and emotional needs.  A church building might be ADA compliant.  There might be sufficient handicapped parking spaces in the parking lot.  But we generally feel most welcome when someone extends a personal touch.  “Good moringing.  Nice to see you.  May I take your coat?”  “Do you need a hand?”  “How can I help you?”

I worked in the home office of a large company with an extensive branch office system.  One day as I was walking back to my office, I saw a large crowd of visiting branch managers moving slowly down the hall in front of me.  Suddenly they broke off to the right and took the stairs to the next floor leaving a solitary figure in a wheel chair.  I caught up with him and said, “There’s an elevator off to the left.  I’d be happy to ride to the second floor with you and make sure you get reunited with your group.”  He thanked me and we chatted while waiting for the elevator to arrive.  Then I noticed his name tag.  It was a “Twilight Zone” moment:  His name was the same as mine.  Chills went up and down my spine.  I said, “That’s my name too.  We chatted until he rejoined his group and I went on my way.

I asked the Lord, “What’s the meaning of all this?  Why was I affected so strongly by seeing his name tag?”  As best I could figure out the Lord was saying, “Will, it could just as easily have been you in that wheel chair.  You never know when life’s challenges might cause you to seek a kindness in a time of need.  Don’t hesitate to show a kindness when you have the opportunity.”

The heart of special needs ministry – or any other ministry is not fixing everyone’s problems but building a relationship, making them feel welcome. Professor Jeanne D’Haem – Department of Special Education and Counseling at William Paterson University said, “Friends play a significant role in mental and physical health; however … many parents of special needs children report that peer relationships end after school hours.”

Be a friend.  Attend to people’s needs.  We can all show the kindness of hospitality. 

Thoughts?  Comments?  I’d like to hear from you.  Come along side.  Side by Side, we’ll grow together!

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